A Use Case for AI: Beyond Just Tools

Use Case for AI

In This Issue

  • Providing Use Cases for AI Marketing Tools
  • ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Tip & News: Creating bulk content
  • Tools & Tips: Veed.io – Create great video posts

Providing Use Cases for AI Marketing Tools

I’ve observed a significant trend: the market is flooded with AI tools promising to revolutionize marketing strategies. However, there’s a critical gap – the lack of real-world use cases that demonstrate how these tools can be applied in practical marketing scenarios. This disconnect between tool capability and practical application is not just an inconvenience; it’s a major stumbling block for business owners. Here’s a few reasons why this gap is particularly frustrating:

1. Time-Consuming & Overwhelming Research

You can spend countless hours watching content creators and tool providers showcase their AI tools. The ChatGPT Plugin Store has over 10,000+ options! Yet, these presentations often focus on the tool’s features rather than its application in real-world scenarios. This leaves you with the daunting task of figuring out how to integrate these tools into your existing strategies.

Understanding your business’s goals, budget, and specific use case is critical for the successful implementation of the tool. Helpful comparisons, like the one below can simplify your marketing journey.

Misalignment with Marketing Goals

Without concrete examples, it’s challenging to determine how a tool aligns with specific marketing objectives. You’re left wondering how an AI tool that generates text, for instance, can be tailored to meet your brand’s voice or campaign goals.

Difficulty in Measuring ROI

Without clear use cases, it’s hard to predict the return on investment (ROI) of an AI tool. Usually, we need to justify our spending with expected outcomes, which becomes difficult when the practical application of a tool is not evident.

If you post an ad on Facebook, what’s the expected result? If I let A.I. write it, will it have a better result? How can that be demonstrated?

Ads using AI

Risk of Ineffective Use or Application

Without understanding the proper use of the tool, or using the tool effectively, there’s a risk of ineffective or even counterproductive results. This can limit a brand’s reputation or lead to wasted resources.

Assessing a tool and making sure it will work for your marketing strategy is critical, just because a content creator “says” it’s amazing… may not make it amazing for your business.

From Text to Post

Let’s illustrate a real use case, what microskills you’ll need, and how AI can be effectively used in a marketing scenario, specifically for creating and posting content on a platform like Facebook.

This is going to get tactical… but it demonstrates the reality of the process.

A Real Use Case: Create a Post for Facebook Using AI

  • Objective: Create an engaging post for a new product launch.
  • AI Tool Usage: Use an AI tool like ChatGPT to generate a draft post. Input key product features, target audience details, and desired tone.
  • Output: A draft post that highlights the product’s unique selling points in an engaging manner.

Step 2: Refining the Content

  • Personalization: Edit the AI-generated text to align it more closely with the brand’s voice and the specific nuances of the target audience.
  • Visual Enhancement: Pair the text with compelling visuals – product images, infographics, or short videos.

Step 3: Scheduling and Posting

  • Scheduling Tool: Use a social media management tool to schedule the post for optimal engagement times.
  • Posting: Ensure the post is formatted correctly for Facebook, including any necessary hashtags or tags.

Step 4: Monitoring and Analysis

  • Engagement Tracking: After posting, monitor the engagement (likes, shares, comments) and reach of the post.
  • Performance Analysis: Use Facebook’s analytics tools to assess the post’s performance against set KPIs.

Step 5: Feedback Loop

  • Insights Application: Use the data gathered to refine future AI-generated content, creating a feedback loop that continually improves the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very important in marketing but using it effectively is still challenging. AI tools are available for small businesses, but they need to bridge the gap between the technology and using it practically.

We, at Next Stage Strategies, think that useful guidance and real-world examples can help make the most out of AI in marketing. Just promoting AI as a tool is not enough to make it a cornerstone of your digital strategy. Businesses need to understand AI’s capabilities and limitations, create strategies that use it meaningfully, and have a real impact on your business.

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ChatGPT Tips & News

The Big News This Week: A couple stories of note:

  1. OpenAI launches first university partnership with Arizona State.

    Arizona State University will become the first-ever higher education institution to partner with OpenAI, allowing the school full use of the company’s flagship product, ChatGPT.

    Why it matters: It comes as schools at all levels grapple with whether and how to embrace generative AI.

    What’s happening: The partnership will allow ASU faculty and staff to utilize the “advanced capabilities” of ChatGPT Enterprise to enhance teaching and learning, the university said in a press release.

  2. Politicians, lobbyists are banned from using ChatGPT for official campaign business. : Open AI, the company behind the popular tool ChatGPT, says it won’t allow politicians and lobbyists to use its products during campaign season over fears of potential abuse and cybersecurity risks.

Prompt Engineering Tip: When creating bulk content, be sure to revise your output to it’s final form, before asking ChatGPT to replicate it. A prompt such as “Give me 30 days of posts, similar to the above, one for each day,” will produce the best results. Providing more parameters, such as the number of words or characters, limiting or excluding subjects are also options that you might want to consider.

Tools & Hacks.. for marketing and life

As we run across great tools or hacks that save time or money, we will post them below. Enjoy!

A.I. Inspired Video Creation

The easy way to create stunning videos, add subtitles and grow your audience. Because it really is easy. We found this new platform and are checking them out ourselves... you should too 😉
Click Here to Learn More

“Artificial intelligence is not a substitute for human intelligence; it is a tool to amplify human creativity and ingenuity.”

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